A more detailed directory of special transportation services in the Fargo-Moorhead area is available through the Metropolitan Council of Governments Office. These providers offer various options for transporting seniors or persons with physical limitations.
Active at Home Helpers
(701) 540-3483
Barnesville Area Helpers (Volunteer Drivers)
(218) 354-7090
Care A Van
(701) 235-6699
Fargo Doyle Cab Company
(701) 235-5535
Fargo Discount Taxi - (10% discount for persons over 55)
(701) 235-5535
F-M Ambulance Service and Ready Wheels
(telephone number for non-emergency use only)
(701) 293-0408
(701) 850-2000
Handi-Wheels - arrange 1 day in advance/primarily Fargo & West Fargo (Equipped for wheel-chaired seniors)
(701) 232-3231
(701) 540-6226
(701) 478-1010
Lucky Seven Cab
(701) 235-1717
Medi-Van (arrange at least 1 day in advance)
(800) 422-0976
Matbus Fixed Route Service
(701) 232-7500
Metro Senior Ride Service (arrange 2 days in advance)
(not equipped for wheel-chaired seniors)
(701) 356-7433
Metropolitan Area Transit (fixed route bus service)
(701) 232-7500
Rural Cass County Bus
(701) 356-7433
(877) 827-1916
Rural Clay County Rides (Volunteer Drivers)
(218) 483-3145
Transit Alternatives
(866) 998-3002
Volunteer Services (Rural Cass)
(701) 347-5590