Home Modifications for Accessibility
Local construction firms/agencies specializing in renovations to accommodate physical limitations
Accent Multi Services
(701) 293-6000
Cass County Social Services (funding source)
(701) 241-5747
City of Fargo (Bob Miller - Wheel Chair Ramps)
(701) 241-1478
Clay County Social Services
(800) 757-3880
(218) 299-5200
Freedom Resource Center for Independent Living
(800) 450-0459
(701) 478-0459
Home Builders Association (Ramps, etc.)
(701) 232-5846
Lakes and Prairies Community Action Partnership (CAPLP)
(218) 299-7000
MN Housing Finance
(800) 657-3769
(651) 296-7608
ND Housing Finance (Fargo)
(800) 292-8621
(701) 239-7255
Rebuilding Together
(701) 356-7836
Southeastern North Dakota Community Action
(701) 232-2452